Sunday 22 October 2023

CORRECTION: A Correction and a Small Bit of News


Some of you might have been a little surprised to see that the recently released Monaco 'Night Driver' (as pictured above) achieved an oddly low C.O.C.O. score of 5.8/10 in my recent 'First Impressions' post. But luckily, one of the aforementioned C.O.C.O. members brought this to my attention and on re-checking the scoring I found that it should have read 6.8 and not 5.8. I don't know how I managed to mess this up, I added up the scores correctly but an error crept in when it came to dividing the total by the number of scores. I have checked the other recent scores and they are all bang on, I will correct my original post as soon as possible.


One other little bit of news is that I have decided that I can't live with the BT0724 rubber strap I 
bought for my orange dial quartz Formula 1 (to replace the God-awful textile strap that came with it), and so I have ordered a BA0842 bracelet. To be honest I should have done this in the first place but a) I wasn't sure it was an option, and b) I thought it would be more expensive than it actually is. I think the rubber strap cost a little over £100 and the bracelet is only £180. Okay I know it's not the best bracelet in the world and it will give the watch a different look (which may or may not be as good...) but for some reason the rubber strap just never fits well. It's either painfully tight or it's spinning around my wrist and I'm sick to death of it. I'm sure I will wear the watch a lot more often when I get the bracelet, assuming it actually fits of course. 

Apologies for the short/late post, this weekend has been manic. Next post will probably be the 'First Impressions' post for the new gold glassbox panda on Wednesday.

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