Saturday 31 August 2024

HISTORY: TAG Heuer Carrera Part Seven - Other Watches (1996-)


As promised here is the final part of the 'HISTORY OF THE CARRERA' (albeit Part 8 will begin on the 1st of January 2025, since the history is never really finished...). This one wraps up the remaining three handers which again could not be pinned down to specific years.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

FIRST IMPRESSIONS: TAG Heuer x Hodinkee Carrera 'Seafarer' Calibre TH20-13 Limited Edition

I've never been much of a gambler, probably cos I'm too tight to risk losing my money... but if I was going to place a bet on which watch was likely to be the 2024 COCO 'Watch of the Year' then this would be the obvious choice. 

FACT - The COCO loves Heuer watches first and foremost. 

FACT - The COCO loves Carreras above Monacos. 

FACT - There's no 'Heuer' branded Carrera this year (as far as I know).

FACT - There isn't really another credible contender at this point in time. 

All of which leads me to the inevitable conclusion that this will indeed secure enough votes to take the crown.... which is kind of a shame honestly, because I was rather looking forward to an unpredictable battle between several other competitors. Oh well, I guess that's why we vote for second and third these days...

Sunday 25 August 2024

FEATURE: Come & Join Us at the THF Forums!

When I first got seriously into watches back in 2016, I fairly quickly stumbled across the fantastic 'Calibre 11' website and forum run by the incomparable David Chalmers. David was very welcoming and friendly and never pretentious or snooty about the 'lower end' of the brand and also produced the best TAG Heuer / Heuer articles the internet has ever seen. David also arranged for me to visit the TAG Heuer manufacture in La Chaux-De-Fonds back in 2018 and so I am eternally in his debt for that!

Sadly a couple of years ago Calibre 11 was forced to shut it's doors, with TAG Heuer themselves taking over the content (some of which has since appeared in truncated form on their website) but it is a major loss to enthusiasts that the bulk of David's detailed articles are no longer available to view - even on the 'Wayback Machine' which promises thousands of pages but actually just gives you an error message. 😠

For a time we thought the Calibre 11 forum would also close, but thankfully that particular tragedy was averted and the 'THF Forum' was born, hosted on Omega Forums and now recently upgraded (thank you Trev & Dsio for all your hard work) there's never been a better time to visit and join in the fun.
The stats show that at any time there could be 300 people viewing the site, but there's nowhere near that many regular posting members. So don't be a lurker; I get that it's a little intimidating joining an existing group with knowledgeable people, but remember opinions are just opinions and yours is just as valid as everyone else's. Especially if you are a fan of modern TAG Heuer, because frankly the forum is heavily biased to those with both feet firmly in the past and we could very much use a bit of balance.

You can also get help with checking future purchases for authenticity* and tons of useful information and advice, so what are you waiting for?

If you have any trouble signing up, let me know in the comments below and I will pass the info on to the admins. 

*The forum cannot categorically authenticate a watch, only TAG Heuer can do that and they will need the watch to do it (don't take it in to a boutique expecting an answer as they are not trained nor have the equipment required), but we can potentially spot a fake if you post pictures of the watch you are looking at buying.

Thursday 22 August 2024

FIRST IMPRESSIONS: TAG Heuer Carrera 'Watches of Switzerland' Limited Edition Tourbillon Chronograph


Hot on the heels of the recent 'Swiss Alps' limited edition tourbillon we have this 'Watches of Switzerland' edition, which is rather harder to come by, limited as it is to just 10 pieces. With these two being released so close together it's hard not to compare them, and while the 'Swiss Alps' version brought to mind the TAG Heuer 'Pilot' this one definitely has a CH80 vibe to it. 

Monday 19 August 2024

FIRST IMPRESSIONS: TAG Heuer Carrera Calibre TH20-09 'Swiss Alps' Limited Edition Tourbillon Chronograph

As the proud owner of a TAG Heuer Pilot and a (frankly) jealous observer of the stunning Carrera 160th Anniversary Dato (which I will own one day, mark my words), both of which share a blue/white colour scheme with red highlights... this was always going to score higher with me than the blue or teal version of the same watch. Indeed such is the impact of the tri-colour combo that it deftly turns quite an ugly watch into quite a looker. Of course it still has that accursed tourbillon messing up the dial, but at least it's a step in the right direction...

Friday 16 August 2024

HISTORY: TAG Heuer Carrera Part Six - Other Chronographs (1996-)

Such was my excitement at completing the main body of the 'HISTORY OF THE CARRERA' that I kind of forget there were still two more posts to come collecting together all the watches which I couldn't pin down to a year. So first up we have the 'misc' chronographs and coming soon will be the 'misc' three handers.

For links to the rest of the 'HISTORY OF THE CARRERA' and to the main 'HISTORY OF' menu, please see at the bottom of the page.

Tuesday 13 August 2024

BUYING EXPERIENCE: TAG Heuer Grand Carrera Calibre 36 Caliper Chronograph


A few weeks ago I asked my good friend Jim Dollares how I should celebrate hitting one million views on my blog? I was thinking a special post, or a new header that would replace the 'Aquaracer@20' one for a week or so, but instead Jim said 'you should buy a new watch'. Great idea! Of course I didn't just go out and buy a watch just for the sake of it, I was already sort of, kinda, in the process of looking into a second go at the CAV5115... I mean sure, the timing was nice, but I wasn't going to spend this kind of money on a whim. 

And when I say a second go... please don't misunderstand, I've never owned a CAV5115 before but some of you may remember that I visited Watchfinder's 'Avery Row' branch last September to view one that was on a bracelet. Of course that was before the watch market softened and so even with a damaged dial and the red paint missing off the second crown it was being sold at £3750 (and when I asked to negotiate they said that was cheap because of the condition), things are different now...

Monday 12 August 2024

ON THE WRIST: TAG Heuer Carrera 36mm Two Tone Calibre 7 Watch


Until relatively recently TAG Heuer have never made a watch that looks like this in a size which could possibly be considered 'unisex' but this is 2024 and 'Men's' watches are undoubtedly shrinking while 'Women's' watches get bigger by the week (I still don't understand why it's desirable for women to wear watches which are oversized while for men it is the height of poor judgement - but that's fashion for you. Thankfully I care not much for fashion, so I will continue to wear my 45mm H01 thanks all the same).

So when the opportunity to try this on arose I thought 'why not'. Truth be told in the not so distant past anything that was even close to being wearable for a man would have come with a deployant bracelet insufficient to breach my enormous man-hands, and so it was tremendously surprising to find that the watch slipped over my hand with ease and fitted more than comfortably around my 7.1/2" wrist. So presumably we must conclude that this is indeed a 'Unisex' watch, because I don't know about you but I don't know many women with 8" wrists.

VIDEO: TAG Heuer x Hodinkee Carrera 'Searacer' by the Watch Village


Saturday 10 August 2024

CELEBRATION: 1,000,000 Page Views!

Hello everyone, just a quick post today to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who visits my blog and who has helped me to reach ONE MILLION views. Now if you only ever visit the blog on a phone (and I know a lot of you do) then you will never have seen the view counter because it's only visible on a computer. In fact there's quite a bit of the blog that is only easily visible on a computer... and I'm still working on ways to make the 'mobile' experience better - but the fact is that 'Blogger' was designed to be looked at on a computer, so it's never going to be as good on a phone.

Now regular readers may be thinking to yourself 'But wasn't it only a few months ago that the blog hit 750,000 views?' and indeed you would be right... as you can see from the graph below over the last year the views have really taken off and stayed strong (average 1000-1500 a day), which is pretty amazing if you ask me, considering that I only talk about one watch brand most of the time. 

Thursday 8 August 2024

FIRST IMPRESSIONS: TAG Heuer Carrera Calibre TH20-00 'Diamond Bezel' Limited Edition Chronograph


Much as I appreciate the participation of the Council of Considered Opinion, when I saw this I knew instantly that they would get this so wrong and score it as a dismal failure... when it's clear to anyone with an ounce of common sense that this is easily the best looking TAG Heuer we've seen this year! But you know, 44mm and a diamond bezel... it's a travesty to the memory of Jack Heuer etc etc. 

Well first of all dear Jack is still with us, and second of all 'Pah'. And again I say 'Pah!' Yes it's 44mm and what of it? Anyone who has tried on one of these 'SPORTS' Carreras will know that it doesn't wear like a 44mm and what's wrong with a diamond bezel? I think it looks rad!

Monday 5 August 2024

INTERVIEW: Journey of a Watch Collector with Ben Smith


Long term readers might remember that way back in 2021 I conducted a series of interviews with various chums from the TH Forums. Well today we are reviving that series as we are joined by a relatively new member of our group and it's someone who seems to have a slightly different approach to watch collecting than most of us over there. 

Rather than looking into the Swiss abyss and plunging headfirst into the maelstrom, his wallet flailing behind him... Ben has instead skirted round the edges, dipping his toes in the water a few times but steadfastly hanging on to the handrail (in the process maintaining his sanity and more importantly his bank balance) before finally coming to the conclusion that while he enjoys watches for what they are he doesn't want to be Switzerland's next 'victim'.

What started out as an 'interview' quickly dissolved into a chat since Ben just wouldn't shut up and take direction! But all the same I hope you enjoy this one and maybe we will revisit our previous guests and perhaps even some new ones in the future... to be honest I feel like Ben interviewed me as much as I interviewed him which is probably why this one is so ridiculously long! 

Oh, and before we start, Ben would like me to point out that his comments are not meant to be inflammatory or provoking, but merely his honest opinions and that you really shouldn't care about his opinions aside from hearing an alternative take on things.

Okay, now that we've got that out of the way, let's begin... 

Friday 2 August 2024

FEATURE: My Top Ten Aquaracers by Mrs Aquagraph

As you probably know by now, this year we are celebrating twenty years of the Aquaracer (Aquaracer@20) and each month I have asked a different person to choose their top ten from the entire range. We've already had submissions for BPSmith, Jim Dollare$, Imagwai, Abrod520, Shane Paradis, Albert AMG and ThingzIliketoo and this month it's the turn of my wife (Rose) to pick her favourites. Naturally she started with the three she owns (which I have to admit are pretty damn cool, so fair play there), and seven more she picked out while perusing the TAG Heuer Enthusiast Gallery

I mean, I have six Aquaracers, so quite why she needed to go looking elsewhere I really don't know.... and I'm not at all upset that she didn't pick a single one of mine. 

No, not at all. Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffft!

Here then are her top ten...